The Mats Summer School on Agricultural Finance will take place at the Centre Paul Langevin in Aussois, France, from June 30 to July 4, 2025.
Overview of the event
The aim of the summer school is to contribute to the development of research on the economic and financial implications of agricultural transitions, through the training of young researchers, with a dual focus on:
raising awareness and understanding of these issues
training in quantitative methods adapted to these issues
Particular emphasis will be placed on:
methods that make use of massive or high-dimensional data
risk management of agricultural transitions issues
connection with energy issues (through markets, through managing land and water use conflicts)
4 or 5 courses will be held:
A Course on Agricultural Finance and Climate by Michel Robe (U. Richmond)
A course onNetwork Analysis and Systemic Risk by Delphine Lautier (U. Paris-Dauphine-PSL), Franck Raynaud (Université de Geneve) & Julien Ling (Collège de France).
A course on Farmers and Risk Management by Bertrand Villeneuve(U. Paris Dauphine - PSL)&Céline Grislain-Letrémy (Banque de France)
A course of Multi-scale Modelling of Precipitations (*) by Marc Hoffmann (U. Paris-Dauphine – PSL) & Thomas Deschatre (EDF R&D)
A course on Land Use Change and Spatial Econometrics (*), by Raja Chakir (INRAE Agro-Paritech)
(*) To be confirmed
It will also include some paper sessions (invited and contributed talks), some poster sessions and some spare time to allow the participants to discuss / advance their own research.