30 Jun-4 Jul 2025 Aussois (France)



The Summer School is organized and supported by The MATS ("Modeling Agricultural TransitionS") project.

The origin of this project lies in the conviction that understanding and anticipating this evolution requires an economic and financial modeling effort that considers the interests of the various players involved and their interactions. It is also important to consider sectors which, at first glance, might seem further removed from agricultural practice: water, energy, financial protection (insurance and guarantee funds).

More specifically, this MATS project aims to meet three needs:

(1) To understand how agricultural markets work, and to gain a better grasp of the complex interactions between the various players involved, so as to better design transitions for which market signals are insufficient or inappropriate.

(2) To exploit the new data from which researchers now benefit to develop a more detailed understanding of the behavior of farmers faced with multiple uncertainties.

(3) To approach the question of agricultural transition by taking into account the systemic aspect of the problem, so as to contribute to the search for solutions, beyond the signals provided by markets. 

The project is led by Pierre-Louis Lions, Professor at the Collège de France and holder of the "Partial Differential Equations and Applications" Chair, Delphine Lautier, Professor at Université Paris Dauphine - PSL, and Bertrand Villeneuve, also Professor at Université Paris Dauphine - PSL.

The MATS project is supported by the “Avenir Commun Durable” Initiative of Collège de France. The Avenir Commun Durable Initiative is supported by the Fondation du Collège de France, its major sponsors are the Covéa Foundation and TotalEnergies, and its sponsors Faurecia and Saint-Gobain.

The MATS project is supported by the French Research National Agency (ANR) through the Laboratory of excellence of “Institut Louis Bachelier”.


The Summer school is also supported by the PEPR Maths-Vives.


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